Thursday, December 23, 2004

Taurus Man

My birthdate is 22nd April.. my zodiac sign is Taurus.. here's what i found on the net that describes a Taurus Man.. huhu.. does it really describe me? ahahaha..


A quiet simple man who can do something
unexpected to shock you. Taurus man mostly medium
tall, strong with good health, good strong body.
When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one
side on one direction. His body will be quite
straight, facial structure tend to be square
shape more than other shape. His eyes sparkle
with liveliness.

Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild
bird. He is a sand in your palm, the more you
want to hold it, it will slip out. If you stand
and hold it still, it will stay that way. Don't
set the rules and draw a line for him, he will
not stay.

When you are with him, he will think only of you.
But an hour later he could change his mind. He
is very patient with other people, but very
impatient with himself. His world always turning
and it will not stop just because he loves you.
If he up sets, he will show it right away. If
something has gone wrong, he will blame his own
carelessness instead of blaming other people.

He is sincere to his friends even to some friends
he does not like. He likes to do odd things and
surprise other people. He could be fully dress
in a nice suit and jump in the pool. He could slap
your back so hard just to make you turn around
to see he has flowers in his hand. He never want to
get too close with anyone for he thinks living
in reality is living by yourself.

He does not care what people think when he
behave weird. He could be walking bare feet and
laughing at people who laugh at him and think they
are so narrow minded. He does not likes to follow
conformity, but always want to search for new
ventures, new mystery. He will be interested in a
life of a millionaire as much as a life of an old man
selling newspaper on a sidewalk vendor.

He like to search and analyze people and things.
He will analyze his friends or his girl friend,
and once the mystery is gone, he will search for
new puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand
thing, so he will gradually learn about you
till he fills up all his questions.

He knows so many people ,but he has a few
friends. He looks for quality friends than
quantity friends. He will be close with some
friends shortly and move on. He always feel
lonely even surrounded by many people. He could
create his own little world, and sometimes no
one would understand him. He looks only for future
and he thinks he lives for the future. He may
wonder how many people think like he does, but
he does not want to be like the others.

A man with a conflict personality. He is a cool,
understanding, able to work well, and very
artistic. Taurus man could be an artist. He
could shock you as much as he is able to calm
you down when you're upset. He is a free spirit
who likes adventure, but when he wants to be alone,
do not touch him but to let him be. He won't
disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back.

He will give you straight forward opinion or
comments, but will never advice what he thinks
you should do. He does not like people to tell
him what he should do too. He thinks each
individual dreams and thoughts should be very
private. He will use his brain not his body
strength, so he will let other guys compete. He
has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to
force himself in competition. He may seems
careless, but actually he is a thinker and a
stubborn one.

He sees anythings in details and not easily
trust people till he thinks he knows them well.
You can just smile and he will think why and
what are you smiling about, and if you are
pretending. Once he trust you and accept you
as a friend, no one can says other wise to
change that for he will not listen to gossip.
He will be honest and sincere to his friends.

He hates lies, so he will not tell you lies. If
he finds it is necessary to lie, he will find
other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you
anything. If he really has to lie, you will
never be able to tell that he is lying. He can
really keep secrets, so you will hardly know
that he is a lonely soul.

If you want this kind of guy, you have to be an
interesting person. He has to be curious about
you. Hell for him is "No Freedom", so if he
marry you then you should know it is the biggest
decision in his life. Always be interesting,
then you could have him beside you.

"Advise is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didnt"
- Erica Tang -

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


- Ryan Cabrera -

I won't talk
I won't breate
I won't move till I finally see
That you belong with me

You might think that I don't look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you
I'm weak
It's true
Cuz I'm afraid to know the answers
Do you want me too?
Cuz my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

You don't know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
It's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

I know when I'll go I'll be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

"Happiness is an attitude of the mind"
- Anonymous -

Monday, December 06, 2004

Down with a fever..

Part I
aaahhh.. its monday morning and i'm still sick.. i've been sick since saturday.. isk.. isk.. started off with a light flu.. then it got worst.. it got to the point where i have to knock on the door of my parent's bedroom at 3am to borrow dad's inhaler.. its been quite a while since my last asthma attack.. and i thot its gone already..kekeke.. its 2 days since i last went out of the house.. huhu.. kinda miss the smell of fresh air and sunshine.. ahahaahah..!~ so here i am.. in front of my computer.. typing this entry and checking mails and replying to forums.. i'm really sick.. and i dun like it wen i'm sick.. huhu.. maybe i'm missing sumbody... or maybe i just miss my car.. ahahaha.. aahh.. my car.. i wunder wen it'll be ready.. dad went over to the workshop last friday and was told that the car will be ready in 10 days but i doubt so.. isk.. isk.. oohh.. cant wait for my barney to get well.. adoi.. wat am i typing.. am feeling a bit lightheaded now.. think i'll go get myself sum shut eye.. this will do for now.
Part II
its already tuesday.. i thot i was feeling better coz received sms edi.. hehehe..!~ survived thru class - shivering.. resumed post as royal chauffer for family by picking sis up from city square.. haaiihh..!~ just when i thot i'm gonna be ok.. throat starts to flam up.. and body temp shoot up.. with all the energy that i could muster.. i drove to the clinic nearby - alone.. thanks mum and dad..!~ ur wave and smile is just all that i needed.. huh..!~ doc said i was infected with virus.. viral infection.. was prescribed with sum antibiotics and sum ventolyns for the flam.. its 3 am in the morning now and i'm still wide awake.. body clock still kaput.. need to wake up early tomoro.. there're things to do..!~
was watching a documentary about Bull Sharks in the day.. they're found in freshwater rivers in Australia, Ganges river, mississippi river and other parts of the world.. wat makes them unique is that these sharks not only hunt their prey in seas, but it lurks in the shallows even in freshwaters.. its really interesting to see how deadly these sharks are.. well actually they're not as deadly as people claim they are.. they're cute nasty mammals.. huhu.. like other wild animals.. they're only deadly when they're hungry.. kekekeke..!~ they have gud eyesights and its teeth.. oohh.. they're sharp.. dun wanna be bitten by em.. kekekeek..!~

Bull Shark

Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.
- Alan Watts -