HOOHAA..!~ kekeekek.. been a while since my last post.. everytime i'm out.. i'll always have sumthing i thot i wud write down here.. but when i'm online.. everything just seems to ran away.. ahahaahaah.. so here's a short one.. not much change in life.. its the usual futsal on weekends.. and ps2 on weekdays.. ahahaha.. it early thursday morning.. am going up to kl taking the 10am bus.. got this test i have to attend to. received a phone call from hsbc or hdpm (back end processing center for hsbc) on tuesday.. did a short phone interview and was then invited to come for test on friday.. so here i am.. just finish packing my bags and am getting ready to sleep.. test is in friday 9 am. that's just the test.. if i get thru the test, then i'd be scheduled for an interview with the hr manager or whoever is in charge of recruitment.. if i'm selected.. i might.. be moving up to kl.. or cyberjaya or sumwhere nearby cyberjaya.. the place where i'm suppose to go is in cyberjaya.. got my certs all ready.. made copies of em.. resume.. ic.. and sum other stuffs...
dunno how long am i gonna stay there.. will be staying at uncle's place in puchong.. of all uncles, his place is the nearest to cyberjaya.. the wife, my aunt.. is expecting a baby anytime soon.. i dun want to get in the way.. maybe after the test on friday, i'd go to another uncle's place.. hehehe.. gonna do sum visiting.. it wud really help me.. financially. heee.. if i got enuff moolah.. i'd stay till sunday.. if not, i'll go home on friday night or saturday.. no point hanging around there in kl with no money and getting in the way of ppl..
job description? errr.. the post is.. Global Support Executive.. more on that later.. am a bit tired.. hafta wake up early ... err.. am trying to sleep.. think i have a fair chance.. think i left a gud impression on the person who interviewed my by phone.. hmm.. dunno bout that..
dunno what i'm feeling right now.. happy, thrilled, scared? unsure? mixed emotions.. kekekeekek.. but me worried? no way..!~ i cant wait for the test..!~ ahahaah..
till then, chiao..!~
"Things seems worse than they are when we are afraid"
- Guyana Proverb -