Wednesday, August 24, 2005

my bella vs civic ek

showdown #1 - civic ek

was on my way to work.. morning drive... all windows down.. sunroof tilted.. slow drive.. enjoying the cool morning breeze.. listening to class 95.. and all the while control handsome..

its school holiday.. roads are clear.. took a different route today.. usually i'd follow the Istana Serene roads... today i took the seaside route.. i love it when its school holidays.. why cant they just stay out of school everyday.. dang..!~

traffic light near Hyatt at the Inner Link roads headings towards stulang.. red light.. birds chirping on trees.. one white civic lined up at the left lane... i was on the right lane.. middle lane got one wira with rope pulling another car behind it.. deep down inside of me.. i was really hoping the civic wud pull away..

lights turn green..!~ i move slowly.. at the corner of my eye saw the white civic got off the line very fast... so i floored the throttle... he switched to the middle lane and is next to me.. can hear his engine screaming.. 6000rpm.. 2nd gear.. bye bye.. 5500rpm.. third gear.. 3 car lenghts.. next traffic light near the saujana condos.. me in left lane.. civic on right lane.. middle lane got one uncle and auntie.. red light.. darn.. one vespa stopped in front of me.. lights turn green.. civic pulled away swiftly.. realizing he's no match and got uncle and auntie on vespa in front of me.. i let it go.. but..

seeing that i did not gave chase.. the civic slowed down.. i caught up with him.. and just stayed behind him.. cruising at 80kmh until the next lights going down to tebrau hiway.. at the lights near plaza pelangi.. i was next to him.. wanted to smile and wave but his tint is too shiny and plus the morning sun light blazing.. i cant see his face.. oh well.. maybe next time..

in the next 2 km heading towards my office.. i drove really slow... petrol mahal.. tayar mahal.. must conserve.. i never really drove the car hard yet.. except taking one 90deg corner at 80kmh.. tyres screeching.. eyes all on me.. ahahahah.. still learning the characteristics and enjoying the attention... its very much different from my zx.. not actually better or wat.. but different..

enjoying every drive..

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"Humor is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does"

- Bill Nye -

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Grandma's Letter..

here's a letter i helped my grandma type. isk.. isk.. it saddens me becoz she's already starting to evaluate and giving up all her assets to everyone. is that a sign or sumthing? does she somehow knows its almost her time? they say.. when people are approaching the end of their lives.. they'll know.. hope my grandma is still around when i'm rich and succesful...
Shamshiah Othman
7-E Jalan Harun,
Kampung Baru,
81200 Johor Bahru.


Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien
Kerry Holding Limited,
21sr Floor, CITIC TOWER,
No 1 Kim Mei Avenue,
Hong Kong.

Tan Sri Robert,

Sebagai permulaan, saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih di atas bantuan dan sumbangan ikhlas dari Tan Sri kepada saya dan keluarga saya. Jasa Tan Sri tidak dapat dinilaikan dan sudah tentu sekali tidak dapat dibalas melainkan Allah juga.

Saya menulis kerana baru-baru ini telah mengalami penyakit virus yang agak serius dan alhamdulillah, setelah sekian hari menjadi pulih dengan rahmat tuhan. Dalam masa itu saya sedar betapa banyaknya jasa Tan Sri kepada keluarga Monel dan kepercayaan Tan Sri kepada saya untuk memegang saham Kuok Brothers di mana hasil dividennya telah saya gunakan untuk membiayai keluarga ini.

Pengalaman sakit saya juga meyakinkan saya bahawa sudah sampai masanya untuk saya membahagikan harta kepada anak-anak saya yang lebih memerlukan bagi menampung keluarga masing-masing.

Dari itu, saya berharap Tan Sri dapat mengambil alih kesemua saham-saham Kuok Brothers atas nama saya atau mencari pembeli yg sesuai untuknya. Saya serahkan kepada Tan Sri semata untuk menilaikan harga saham tersebut sebagaimana Tan Sri lebih arif tentang nilai syarikat Tan Sri sendiri.

Saya berharap pelepasan saham Kuok Brothers tidak bermakna putusnya hubungan kami yg saya amat hargai.

Sekali lagi saya ingin mengambil peluang untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Tan Sri Robert serta keluarga.

Sekian terima kasih.

Yang benar,

Shamshiah Othman