Saturday, October 02, 2004


Ok, here goes..

In the spirit of all things dead, i'm going to suppress the impulse to dedicate this blog to my family, my friends, the people who have influenced my thoughts and shaped my path as i make my way toward this blog. Instead, i'm going to do what the great Machiavelli would tell me to do, and dedicate this blog to myself.

Who is Machiavelli, u might ask? Well, Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Italy during the Renaissance, which took place like... err.. four or five hundred years ago.. He has been gone for quite some time now.. but his teaching is something which I'm really trying hard to follow.. and its very hard to keep myself focus.. hehehe..!~

There is but one message from which the entire fount of wisdom springs.. and the message is.. :

The Ends Justifies The Meanness

..time and time again i ask myself one pertinent question..

"What would Machiavelli do?"

Answer? He would play to win.
Now lets get mean..!~


Tukang Kod said...

muhuahahahhaha... my bro, atlast..!~
welcome to the darkest asylum in the internet :P
"what will machiavelli do next?" - machiavellian

[ e v i l g e n i u s ] said...

hehehe.. yeah man..!~
i finally crumbled and fall.. kakakakkaak..!~

Angry said...

Welcome brader... U give into temptation ar? Haha!!! Write! Blog! It's so fun! Haha!!!