Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Petrol Hike & The Domino Effect

THANK YOU MY BELOVED COUNTRY..!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY FUCKIN HEART..!! This is what i always wanted.. morons..!! How sad.. 20% increase in petrol prices, not forgetting we still have to pay the ever increasing toll charges, insanely high roadtax & insurance, summons etc.. this really SUCKS..!! Domino effect seriously heading our way on everything.. FARKERAMA..!!
Well.. in their defense.. this is what they have to say for themselves..
"Although the Government is raising the price of petroleum products, diesel and LPG, the price of diesel and petrol in Malaysia is still cheaper in other ASEAN countries except Brunei"
Does anyone even notice? This has always been their 'signature statement' for every fuckin petrol price increase.With all due respect, in my humble opinion, this statement simply reflects the moronic nature and mentality that they have.
Our petrol is NOT cheaper than other countries from a user's point of view. The Government always say "Australia AUD1.50 / lit = RM4.50, ours now only RM1.92".... pundek muthafarkers, Australia you earn AUD$4000 also is RM12000 ma, so pls compare apples to apples. KNNCCB.Dont do the conversions back to our moronic RM and see where we stand now...for farks sake, its almost 2 bucks for us!!!
In a way, its a standard reply to show that "Yes, we the (Bolehland) Govt, still care about you (punies rakyat-sucker). See, our price is still the cheapest in the region what? (Stop complaining and suck it up you dumbwats)" It's time to get the fuck outta here... darn.. my passport expire long time ago edi..
That statement only works with those orang kampungs who still thinks the politicians are the true blue hero of the nation.
Since the petrol increase is so called 'unavoidable', they should make it compulsory for employers to raise the salary of their employees, at least at the same rate of the petrol price hike. What would happen now is surely the increased price of goods and service going up, inflation going up, big companies should earn much more money but profits are not redirected to the employees but into the share holders pockets.
So the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer.
On the other hand so what if they're them reducing subsidy of fuel, but the crazy sky high taxes on everything related to transportation while *NOT* providing any concrete alternatives for people to leave their cars at home to commute to work is REALLY MADNESS AND SHORTSIGHTED!!! The billions supposedly saved from reduced subsidy, are those going to go into extending our LRT lines, improved bus services, etc (err.. hello? This LRT and Commuters doesnt apply to us in JB and other states bar The Klang Valley you morons..!!) and also, at the same time they build more and more tolled roads to put more and more vehicles on the road. This farking gahmen is INCONSISTENT! The transport industry is gonna be hit very hard this time. be prepared for more cost-push inflation (and heck...wtf they increase BLR?!? they think it's consumer driven inflation ar??? cost of biz gonna go up, disposable income shrinks more...deposit rates have not risen...) What I'm sure we all are gonna see are more potholes, more congestions, higher toll prices and more stupid people.. Food stuffs.. clothes.. daily groceries.. day to day neccessities.. prices for all these are surely gonna increase like there's no tomoro.
One thing they fail to realise is that 80-90s born population who can start to vote in the next election are much more exposed to the internet and their surroundings. Well educated people will make better decision and vote. Sadly, myopic BN wont know what hit them in 10 years time.
The Government should really reanalyze and revamp the whole economical structure... from scratch.. from the very fundamentals which put the salary structures and peoples interest first before their big fat ass pockets.. Its sad to see that the income for most is very much lower compared to how much they need to spend for daily neccessities just to live. Revamp the whole tax structure ie road tax, income tax, watever shit tax and all.. Salary structure ie set a standardized income structure for the people. at the end of the day, these people, the malaysians are the ones paying taxes.. Food stuffs prices should also be controlled for certain type of vendors / restaurants. Groceries prices are increasing steadily in the last 5 years. Dont they ever do their own shopping? Heck.. the gov should really do a comparo of Dollar to Dollar of our currency to other currencies and see how much the people are actually getting poorer.
Since i'm in the mood.. I could start on the national car but naahhh... i'll leave that for another time.
From the bottom of my heart.. i give those people the magical 2 fingers salute..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

All is well..

Told ya i could make it thru.. its only thursday.. and i'm already back on track.. dun ask.. i got lucky.. with a little bit of preseverence and luck.. i cud at least survive till end of next week.. woohoo.. maybe its this song which i cant get it out of my mind since err.. forever.. hahah.. its by The Rolling Stones titled "You Can't Always Get What You Want"... the chorus keep on playing in my head.. maybe its kind of like a little motivator to me.. hehehe.. here's how it goes.. the chorus..

Sing it to me now..
You can't always get what you want..
You can't always get what you want..
You can't always get what you want..
But if you try sometimes you just might find..
You get what you need..
there you go.. so far.. it has got me to where i am now.. i may not be super rich.. i may not be very succesful yet.. but for all the things i've lost or didnt have the chance to have a part or try.. i know somewhere.. somehow.. there'll always be better things for me.. i feel that i'm moving in the right direction.. hopefully i'll get to higher extremes.. its just how i open up to em.. its all in the mind... the important thing is to always TRY to think out of the box.. see things in a different perspective.. try to see 'good' in every 'bad'.. the world will be a much beautiful place.. i've got tonnes of stuffs to write.. but that's for another time, another day.. here's something for everyone..

"Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens"
- Epictetus -

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Totally broke..

Tskk.. tsskk.. tskk..

am totally broke.. never been this broke.. behind the happy face that i put on.. despite the fact that i drive a nice car.. and the fact that i look gud all the time.. heheeh.. i'm totally broke.. am behind on my car installment.. errr.. havent pay yet for this month.. starved myself the whole day.. no money for petrol.. no money for food.. arrrgghh.. how am i gonna get thru the week without money for petrol and food.. huhu.. sad huh.. i'll just need to come up with sumthing.. i know i'm gud at it.. arrrhh.. but i'm hungry.. how? isk.. isk.. isk..
am still waiting for my petrol claim.. was out to site offices last week and yesterday.. petrol budget a bit off.. hahaha.. now its affecting my meal budget.. darn.. shouldnt have went in to Pasir Gudang for the night sprint last weekend. if not.. at least i'd still have some money this week or at least till i get my claim.. huhu..
well.. i survived yesterday and today.. its only 3 more days till weekend.. haaaiihh.. wat am i doing.. put aside too much for this month.. thot i'd make it thru this month.. but apparently i was wrong.. shud've been more careful tho.. bought sum shares.. price dropped the next day.. waiting for the price to go up.. huhu.. didnt buy much actually, but a bit too much to make me go broke now..
will just see how this turns out.. hopefully this wont last long..
also, i spent a lot on my car too.. had its camber reworked.. and drive shaft bearing relayered.. but its all worth it.. spent my chinese new year holiday cleaning up the interior of my car.. fix up loose parts.. cleaned up my leather seats.. and made sure everything is holding in its place.. hhehehe..

Saturday night sprint..

its the 2nd time i went in with my bella.. car was in tip top condition.. it perfomed amazingly well.. but it still lost all runs.. however am still happy with it.. certainly better than my first outing.. perfect launching on all runs.. lost to a supercharged vios, an alfa romeo 33, and a mivec.. lose by half a car to all.. all fast cars.. but then again.. if only the roads were longer.. i wud have beaten em all.. short sprints are not the car's fav dish.. give it winding roads and track circuit.. it'll give u more than what u could take.. as for me.. i may not drive it hard all the time.. but when i do.. i really gave it my all.. like wat a true alfisti told me once.. "the QV name is one name u should live up to. if u cant, give it up to someone who deserves it".. its true.. after all the hard driving.. i discovered that i learned more about the car, drive after drive.. just gotta keep on driving.. hahahah.. owh.. and after each run.. the car feels faster.. engine feels lighter.. car handles better.. maybe its just me getting familiar with my bella..

how has work been so far? all is fine.. am enjoying it.. still need to improve on some areas.. a lot of things need to be sorted out.. a couple of backdated tasks needs to be completed too.. all in all.. everything seems to be in order.. everything under control..

but i'm still broke.. too bad..

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hari Asyura


Di dalam bulan Muharram terdapat satu hari yang dinamakan Hari `Asyûrâ, iaitu hari kesepuluh daripada bulan Muharram (10 haribulan Muharram). Ia dinamakan `Asyûrâ' kerana ia jatuh pada hari yang kesepuluh.

Tarikh 10 Muharram dianggap sebagai hari besar dan hari istimewa bagi umat Islam. Pada hari itu banyak terjadi peristiwa penting yang terdapat dijadikan sebagai contoh teladan, yang mencerminkan kemenangan gemilang bagi pejuang-pejuang yang gigih dan tabah untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan, di samping peristiwa yang dapat menggerakkan hati umat Islam agar mensyukuri nikmat Allah yang tiada terhingga banyaknya.

Dalam kitab I`ânah At-Thâlibîn menyebutkan bahawa peristiwa yang terjadi pada hari itu ialah :

Nabi Adam `Alaihissalam bertaubat kepada Allah dan taubatnya diterima sehingga dia bersih daripada dosa dan kesalahan.
Nabi Idris `Alaihissalam diangkat oleh Allah ke tempat yang tinggi.
Nabi Nuh `Alaihissalam diselamatkan Allah keluar dari perahunya, sesudah bumi tenggalam selama enam bulan.
Nabi Ibrahim `Alaihissalam diselamatkan Allah daripada api Raja Namrud.
Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa `Alaihissalam.
Nabi Yusuf `Alaihissalam dibebaskan dari penjara Mesir, setelah meringkuk selama beberapa tahun akibat fitnah Siti Zulaikha.
Pandangan Nabi Ya'kub Alaihissalam yang kabur dipulihkan Allah kembali sehingga dia dapat melihat dengan jelas.
Nabi Ayub `Alaihissalam disembuhkan Allah daripada sejenis penyakit kulit yang dideritainya
Nabi Yunus `Alaihissalam selamat keluar dari perut ikan Nun yang besar setelah berada di dalamnya selama empat puluh hari empat puluh malam.
Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa Alaihissalam dan pengikut-pengikutnya daripada dikejar oleh Fir`aun.
Kesalahan Nabi Daud `Alaihissalam diampuni Allah.
Nabi Sulaiman `Alaihissalam dikurniakan Allah sebuah kerajaan yang besar.
Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.
Hari pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.
Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan dari langit
Allah menjadikan `Arasy.
Allah menjadikan Lauh Mahfuzh.
Allah menjadikan Qalam.
Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril
Nabi Isa `Alaihissalam diangkat ke langit.
Di antara keutamaan hari `Asyûrâ itu, ada disebutkan di dalam sebuah hadis yang maksudnya :
"Daripada Ibnu `Uyainah daripada Abdullah bin Abu Yazid daripada Ibnu Abbas Radhiallahu `anhuma dia telah berkata. "Aku tidak pernah melihat Nabi Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam mempunyai maksud untuk mengerjakan puasa pada suatu hari yang Baginda Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam lebih mengutamakannnya daripada hari-hari yang lain, kecuali hari ini iaitu hari `Asyûrâ dan berpuasa dalam bulan ini yakni bulan Ramadhan." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)
Imam Al-Yafi` dan An-Nasyiri dalam Idhahnya menyatakan, satu di antara keajaiban hari `Asyûrâ itu ialah binatang liar di hutan berpuasa pada hari itu.
Fatah bin Syukhruf menyatakan, setiap hari dia memberi semut makan sedikit roti. Bila hari `Asyûrâ semut itu tidak mahu memakannya (puasa)

Amalan utama yang sunat kita lakukan pada hari `Asyûrâ itu ialah puasa. Ini berdasarkan kepada hadis-hadis Nabi Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam yang menganjurkan melakukannya, di antaranya :

Maksudnya: "Daripada Abdullah bin Sa`id bin Jubair daripada ayahnya daripada Ibnu `Abbas Radhiallahu `anhuma katanya: "Nabi Sallallahu`alaihi wasallam datang di Madinah lalu melihat kaum Yahudi berpuasa pada hari `Asyûrâ. Baginda Sallallahu`alaihi wasallam kemudian bertanya: "Apakah ini?" Mereka menjawab: "Hari ini adalah hari baik. Inilah hari yang pada saat dahulu Allah telah menyelamatkan Bani Isra'il (umat Yahudi) daripada musuh mereka. Oleh sebab itu Nabi Musa`alaihissalam berpuasa pada hari ini. Nabi Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Aku adalah lebih berhak untuk menghormati Nabi Musa Alaihissalam daripada anda sekalian. Selanjutnya Baginda Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam berpuasa pada hari Âsyûrâ itu dan menyuruh para sahabatnya agar mereka juga berpuasa pada hari tersebut." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)
Begitu juga sebuah hadis yang juga diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari :
Maksudnya: "Daripada Humaid bin Abdul Rahman bahawasanya dia mendengar Mu`awiyah bin Abu Sufyan Radhiallahu `anhuma pada hari Âsyûrâ' iaitu pada tahun haji berkata di atas mimbar: "Hai penduduk Madinah, manakah alim ulama kamu sekalian? Aku mendengar Rasulullah Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Ini adalah hari Âsyûrâ dan tidaklah diwajibkan mengerjakan puasa kepada kamu sekalian. Namun demikian aku berpuasa pada hari ini. Maka barangsiapa yang menghendaki, bolehlah dia berpuasa dan barangsiapa yang menghendaki untuk tidak berpuasa, maka boleh sajalah dia berbuka." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)
Melalui hadis ini, dapat ambil kesimpulan bahawa hukum berpuasa pada hari Âsyûrâ sunat mu`akkadah.
Adapun kelebihan ataupun fadhilatnya disebutkan di dalam sebuah hadis :

Maksudnya: "Daripada Abu Qatadah bahawasanya Nabi Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Puasa hari Âsyûrâ bahawasanya aku kira atas Allah akan menebus dosa tahun yang dahulunya." (Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Tirmidzi)
Berpuasa pada hari Âsyûrâ sebaiknya didahului dengan berpuasa pada hari Tasu`â' (hari kesembilan daripada bulan Muharram) agar tidak menyerupai dengan amalan orang Yahui yang hanya berpuasa pada hari `Asyûrâ sahaja.
Maksudnya: "Berpuasalah kamu pada hari kesembilan dan kesepuluh Muharram dan jangan meniru cara orang-orang Yahudi." (Hadis riwayat Baihaqi)
Di dalam riwayat yang lain, ada dianjurkan supaya kita berpuasa sehari sebelum dan sehari selepas hari `Asyûrâ . Rasulullah Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda :
Maksudnya: "Berpuasalah kamu pada hari Âsyûrâ dan buatlah kelainan (jangan disamakan) dengan orang Yahudi. Dan berpuasalah kamu sehari sebelumnya dan sehari sesudahnya." (Hadis riwayat Ahmad)
Amalan khas yang sunat pada hari `Asyûrâ itu juga ialah menggembirakan keluarga atau saudara mara terdekat. Menggembirakan keluarga yang dimaksudkan boleh dilakukan dengan melebihkan perbelanjaan pada hari tersebut atau menyediakan makanan dan minuman yang lebih sedap daripada biasanya. Ini berdasarkan sabda Rasulullah Sallallahu `alaihi wasallam:
Maksudnya: "Barangsiapa yang melapangkan (menggembirakan) keluarganya pada hari Âsyûrâ , maka Allah akan melapangkan rezekinya sepanjang tahun itu". (Hadis riwayat Thabarani dan Baihaqi)
Selain daripada itu, kita juga digalakkan untuk berdoa kepada Allah dalam keadaan kita berpuasa pada hari Âsyûrâ itu kerana orang yang sedang berpuasa termasuk orang yang diperkenankan doanya.
Amalan Bid`ah Pada Hari `Asyûrâ

Di antara amalan-amalan bid`ah yang dikaitkan dengan hari `Asyûrâ itu ialah :

1. Mandi-manda dengan niat mandi hari `Asyûrâ .
2. Memakai pakaian baru
3. Mencelak mata .
4. Memakai inai
5. Bersembahyang malam `Asyûrâ
Adapun hadis yang menyuruh bercelak mata pada hari itu, menurut Al-Hakim adalah hadis munkar, sedangkan Ibnu Hajar berpendapat hadis itu maudhû.
Al-`Allamah Al-Ajhuri lebih jauh menyatakan bahawa dia menanyakan masalah bercelak mata itu, serta memasak beberapa jenis biji-bijian, berpakaian baru dan memperlihatkan kegembiraan pada hari itu kepada imam-imam ahli-hadis dan ahli-ahli hukum fiqah. Menurut Al-Ajhuri tiada dijumpai satupun hadis shahih yang menganjurkan hal itu. Tiada dilakukan para sahabat dan tidak digemari oleh imam-imam kaum muslimin.

Begitu juga (kata Al-Ajhuri), tiada dijumpai apa yang dikatakan orang bahawa "Barangsiapa bercelak mata pada hari itu, nescaya tiada akan sakit mata dalam tahun itu." Begitu juga anggapan kalangan yang mengatakan bahawa: "Barangsiapa yang mandi pada hari itu, tidak akan jatuh sakit dalam tahun itu".

Mudah-mudahan dengan berpuasa `Asyûrâ dan mengamalkan atau melakukan apa yang disunatkan pada hari itu serta mengambil iktibar peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku akan menambah keimanan dan taqwa yang dapat merubah corak hidup ke arah yang lebih baik.