Friday, November 30, 2007

Malaysia At A Glance

Huh..! I'm not at a best place to comment on anything about my country. Malaysia. But anything i type here is not like its a big secret kind of thing. Its what's happening around us. Am i proud? Am i embarassed of being a malaysian? What do i feel about all this? Well frankly, I don't give a damn. Ok here goes. But it saddens me that for a country that is well into its 50s is still clueless on how to hold its head up high.
The leaders and ministers are monkeys. Am not sure what they're doing day in and day out for this country but as each day passes by, there are more bad things than good. Even the debates going on in parliament which they show on tv and newspaper are like kiddy quarrels. Name calling, finger pointing, abusing remarks, sexist remarks, offensive hand signs, etc. Darn, who are they again in the society? Our leaders? Shouldn't they be setting an example and focus on solutions of arising problems rather than point fingers and blaming each other? Who's running the country? Who's making all the 'big' decisions? Where do all the money go to? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor are dying? Answers. I need answers. We need answers.
One of the tallest building. World class racing circuit. One of the best airports. Cosmonauts (wtf?). What else? These are blankets to cover the real state of the country. Those people up there are so busy trying to make the country to stand tall among others but they're forgetting the most fundamental substance which makes a country great. The people.
Malaysia is unique in a way that the people comprises of different ethnicity, religions, and culture. These people call themselves Malaysian. But how good a Malaysian is one really is? How many would stand tall and say 'I'm a proud Malaysian"? Despite all things Malaysian, the people still fight among ethnicity and stereotyping againts each other. Each claiming they're better than another or people from this state is better than another. As far as i see it, the only thing that the people have in common is their IC. Malaysian IC. Need i elaborate? Aight.. Gang fights, schools, racial political party, job requirements, the community, the government offices, universities.. here are some of the few things that sparks all the stereotyping. To add to that, its not the people who're segregating themselves, but those people at the top, the so called leaders are the one setting the trend for this to happen.
Bumi rights. In the common living of society, it is somehow said that the Malays have it easy and are spoon fed. I find that totally untrue and disgusting for even a person to think that. For the malays, let me point out that there're normal malays like you and me, and then, there are the Umnoputras. The bumi's have discounts on property purchases, are guaranteed spots in universities, and many other benefits or in a simpler way of putting it - the favourable race. All these rights and benefits are created initially, long ago, to actually encourage the malays to have a better stand in society. That was long ago. But right now these benefits only seems to benefits the umnoputras. I'm not gonna go into details with this. Look around you, look hard, and you'll understand my point. Friends and people i know always points out that the malays have it easy. I hate it when they say that. I hate it when they stereotype the malays. This then brings to my next point. It is generally understood by malaysians that the chinese are the richer race, then comes the malay, and then the indians. WTF is this? Aren't we all Malaysians? Dont we all call ourselves Malaysians? Full stop.
Economically, i'm not at a position to comment. However, if you look around, i don't think we're doing too well. Prices of EVERYTHING goes up. Salary increments however, do not increase much to compensate for anything at all. Harga barang naik. Petrol naik. Toll naik. Living standards fall, and the people? Die cock standing. The monkeys told us to change our lifestyles. From poor to down right pauperized? Annual Budget ALWAYS SEEMS TO FAVOR GOVERNMENT SERVANTS. Its not like they're doing a good job at whetever they're doing anyways. What about the NEP? Again, they say its favourable to the malays. No comment.
Anyone caught Semi Value on the news yesterday? The one where he comments on the toll increase in several hiways saying that these increase do not really have much of an impact because these hiways are not exactly full of users. WTF? Fact of the matter is, the toll is already too high for a start, and that is why there arent many road users using that hiway. Kudos to Semi Value. You're a great man. You have a good vision for the future. YEAH RIGHT. Clown.
Recently there were a couple of rallies which took place in the capital city. Bersih and HINDRAF rallies. That says a lot about the perceptions of the people towards the current government.
Crime rates. The ever increasing crimes in Malaysia. I'm starting to wonder what the police are up to these days. They 'wander' around at nights, hang out at so called crime prone areas, always putting on a brave face wherever they go, acting all macho and tough. But when an incident occurs in front of them, they'll just shout from afar (wtf?) to give the impression that they're in control or just zip up their jacket so that others wont know they're policemen and continues piling up on roti kosong and teh tarik. Believe me, i've seen this happen.
I'm not just digging up dirty facts about Malaysia but i'm only just stating the obvious.
Think about it. Think harder. Look deeper. Beautiful Malaysia? I don't think so.
There's a saying that goes 'Dont ask what the country can do for you but ask what you can do for the country'
The country cant do shit for me and I aint doing anything in return. I'm all for myself. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fresh Aspirations

.. I need a new job. I feel that my talents are under-used. Their loss. Not mine. I'm leaving as soon as i can. Been busy browsing the net and newspapers for jobs but its the end of the year and people wont start changing jobs till after their bonus. I reckon there'll be more jobs come the start of next year. However, if i can't find anything i like by end of January, I'll just stay on till April and see what kind of increments and performance bonus i'll be getting.
Been busy with all the runnings and working out. Gone are the days of hanging out till late. I'm normally in bed already by 10 or 11. Nothing beats a good workout. Am happy with the progress so far. I can last one whole hour playing futsal with the same intensity and rhythm. Am still 1kg off till i reach my target weight. BBQ Crabs.. here i come..!~


Friday, November 16, 2007

Public Announcement

Annual Grand Open House has been cancelled due to some unavoidable turn of events. Am sure a lot of you guys have been eagerly waiting for this glorious annual event.

On behalf of my family and myself, we sincerely apologize.

There's always next year. he he.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Benchmark

This might be kind of a bore, but personally, i'm making progress. I'm so much into losing weight, and upping my fitness level now. Just set a new record of doing 3.5 kms in less than 30 mins. Started of with slow jog, upped my pace progressively and maintain a constant speed all the way to 3.3kms and did a 200m warm down slow jog and speed walking. Did some weights just for a while just to get the other muscles working. But i still need to really work my upper body out. Nobody to accompany me to go swimming le. ha ha. Lazy to go alone. For this coming week, i'll just try to maintain a steady 3km / run.
The hardest part is still the dieting. Sit ups alone wont kill the belly fat. Even if i have strong belly muscles it still wont show any sexy abs unless i kill the fat. darn. Did some reading and here's a fact i find very intersting - Belly fats are stored energy. Unused, stored energy. Only way to get killer abs is to have low body fat.. and it comes back to dieting discipline.
My lower back has been giving me problems of late but i'm sure its only because of all the training and running and posture correcting efforts i put into. I'm wearing a back support brace for now, every night to bed.
Work has been good so far. But still, being the type who isnt always easily satisfied with things, i have been looking around browsing the net for better prospects.
75kgs, higher paying job, getting more money, buy new car, etc.. these are some short term goals that i set for myself.
The only thing thats gonna stop myself from achieving these goals is ME.. and i aint no sissy.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Jogging, Exercise, Penis

I feel gud.. te ne ne ne ne net net.. i knew that i wud, now. i feel gud.. te ne ne ne ne net.. i knew that i wud, so gud.. so gud.. i got youuu..
just finished my 2km run. yeah. i'm up to 2km constant speed non-stop now. not including 100m warm up and 100m warm down. my heart rate is stable and i feel i cud go on for more but i'm not gonna push myself too hard. objective here is to trim and tone. not kill myself. if i keep this up progressively, i cud get back in shape and increase my stamina level. short term target weight is still 75kgs and i'm not too far from that. owh and not forgetting losing the spare tyre.
am tired of ppl telling me i'm fat. i know i'm fat. its not that i really care wat people say anyways. but then again, i'm only fat because i was thin when i was younger. if i was fat previously, then ppl wudn't care if i'm fat now. ha ha.
all this jogging and sit ups is not enuff. i still feel that i need to swim and work my upper body out. my arms and chest are virtually 'soft'. well, at least, if i'm gonna do an exercise routine, i shud at least do it right and work all of my body out. i dun wanna do weights. again, objective here is trim and tone. not gonna kill myself and definitely not kill myself with bulging muscles. weights makes the boobs grow big. if there's one thing i want it to be big, its my penis. dun get me wrong tho. i'm not saying its small. i'm big and healthy. i'm happy with its size and girth now. there's been no complaints so far and as far as i can tell, my penis is superbly fit and handsome. ha ha.
on the contrary, lately i've been having back aches. not too sure if its becoz of all the working out or is it just my posture. will get that checked soon. but right now, i'm just gonna sit back, relax and enjoy the movies on my new 19 inch monitors whenever i can find time. he he.
i'm broke now so my diet is back on.