Saturday, January 03, 2009

Knee Pops

ok 3 days gone by and i dun see any signs of recovery or healing. there's no pain, but the knee still feels loose and i cant really stand and support myself for too long without feeling some uneasiness 'in' the knee. it still pops at a certain angle of motion. when i'm sitting down and try to lift my foot, i can feel the bone or muscle move and pops when i put my palm on my thighs above knee. on new years eve, i made my way to the GP to have my knee checked. after going thru some knee movement process and some touching and pressing during the check up, the doc said its a strain muscle, specifically, the quadriceps tendon. its not completely torn but its a tear nonetheless. what a way to start the new year. there're several factors that could lead to this and one of it is consistent stress on a particular muscle which lead to its rupture. looking back on the past couple weeks, i did cycle and ran a lot, but i think its the futsal that contributes most to the damage. its overstress to the knee. the knuckling pops is due to uneven muscle strengths on certain area of the knee which makes it out of alignment. bleeagghhh. the doc also said my cartilage is thinning and i have to live with the pops and knuckling sound for the rest of my life as long as its still there and its not worth to go for a repair or surgery, which, isnt really convincing but coming from a normal GP, i'll take it. for now. i guess after all the working out and exercise last year, i needed and deserved a break after all. so i'll be off from the running and the bike for 6-8 weeks until my knee's all better again. but if it doesnt get better, i'm seeing a specialist or an orthopaedic.
ironically, as i was at the counter collecting my meds, my dad called and ask me my whereabouts. so i told him i'm at a clinic going for a checkup for my knee which he laughed and mock at. basket. ha ha. was given some pain killers and some cream to apply to the knee. and i have to wear a compression knee support brace too.
read up on some knee strengthening exercises on the web. in these next 6-8 weeks i'll be busy nursing and strengthening the knee back to full recovery which i hope it would. apparently, these workout are the ones that i left out in my routines - various kinds of knee lifts, leg lifts, and balancing focus exercise. dang!~
had to come back after 3 days to check on progress, so i went again 3 days later. doc said the swell had subside. i didnt even know it's swollen. doesnt seem like it. when i looked at it. was given more meds and cream.
it'll be a long way to recovery. the sooner the better. i hate it when i'm down with injury. i cant do stuffs and it affects me in many ways. nothing i can do really. its self inflicted. ha ha. once it stopped popping, i'll get back on the bike first before i do any running. until that day comes, i'll live with the strengthening exercises for now. so here's hoping for a speedy recovery. hoohaaa!~

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